Kartu-kartu ini di kasih sama ade aku waktu aku lagi ngerjain tugas. Lagi ruwet-ruwetnya, eh...cengok pas dapet kartu. Terus aku tanya, "Ini baru sampai hari ini?" "Iya, tadi ada tukang pos tuh, terus d taro di depan." Wih, yang tadinya otak udah kusut, jadi fresh lagi cuman gara-gara dapet kartu. Hahaha...lebay banget, ya?! Biarlah lebay asal ga 4L4Y. Hehe..
Hello. My name is Diyan Lopi. I'm from Bandung, Indonesia. I am an interior design student ITENAS (Institut Tekhnologi Nasional). I really liked the dance. Especially if it smells Korea, because I was a K-popers and also a SHAWOL. My bias Lee Taemin (이태 민).
Now I'm trying to be a philatelic. I like to send postcards to the whole world and I am very happy to receive a lot of postcards. If you have any postcards from around the world that you want to with me, I would be very happy to receive it.
I really really really like turtles. If you have a tortoise as Indian star who was a baby (at least 4cm), I would be very happy to receive it. Hehe ...
Kartu-kartu ini di kasih sama ade aku waktu aku lagi ngerjain tugas. Lagi ruwet-ruwetnya, eh...cengok pas dapet kartu. Terus aku tanya, "Ini baru sampai hari ini?" "Iya, tadi ada tukang pos tuh, terus d taro di depan." Wih, yang tadinya otak udah kusut, jadi fresh lagi cuman gara-gara dapet kartu. Hahaha...lebay banget, ya?! Biarlah lebay asal ga 4L4Y. Hehe..